
Heating Repair, gas furnace:


My gas furnace won't run:

                1. Check the emergency switch. This switch in usually located near the access or door to the location of the gas furnace. Most of the time it has a red wall plate. Make sure the switch is on.

                2. Make sure the thermostat is in the heat position. On newer thermostats the changeover switch is call the "Mode" button. Push the button until the words heat appear on the thermostat.

                3. Check the filter. If the filter is dirty or blocked change it and reset the furnace by turning off then on the  emergency switch as mentioned in #1.

                4. If none of these work call 965-9592 and we will come out to repair your furnace.


My gas furnace is blowing cold air:

                1. Make sure the thermostat fan switch is in the auto position. If the fan switch is in the on position the blower will run all the time, even when the furnace is not heating. This will cause it to blow unheated air around the house

                2. Check the filter. If the filter is dirty or blocked change it and reset the furnace by turning off then on the  emergency switch as mentioned the first section #1.

                3. A safety switch may have opened locking out the furnace and leaving the blower running. Reset the furnace by turning off then on the  emergency switch as mentioned the first section #1. If it still won't run or locks out again, don not reset it call 965-9592. You could have a serious problem or service part failure.

                4. Pilot is out. Relight the pilot. If the pilot won't stay lit your thermal-couple is probably bad and needs to be changed.  Call 965-9592.


 My gas furnace just won't keep my house warm:

                1. Check you filters. If dirty or blocked change them.

                2. You furnace could need to have a complete maintenance. Call us at 965-9592 to schedule this service.

                3. There could be other service issues. Call us for service at 965-9592.

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Preferred day and time of service call?
7:00 AM to 10:00 AM
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
2:00 PM to 7:30 PM

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